Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett

Winter is slowly coming to an end, but lingering storms attempt to take a foothold. This time of

year teases you with venturing outside and then bringing about days that make you want to stay

inside and bundle up under blankets. If you’re like me, you like to curl up with a good book, a

cup of tea, and your latest project. As an avid reader, and lover of books, it’s been important to

me to share this with my daughter.

One of the books we like to read during this time of year is Extra Yarn written by Mac Barnett

and illustrated by Jon Klassen. The book features a little girl and her dog who live in a dreary

town that is brought to life by yarn. She ends up disrupting the status quo with her box of yarn

and needles. The illustrations are lovely, and with each page there is a little bit more color and

life to the town and townspeople.

It is a sweet story that encompasses the joy many of us feel when we get to create. The colors in

this story are vivid. It’s also imparting a great lesson on sharing with others, and how that simple

act can uplift those around us.

This tale really embodies the beauty and love that comes from making something for the ones

we care about and sharing that with them. As each person receives their handmade item, its’ as

though the town is brought back to life.

Meet our children’s book reviewer, Robin Guy

Robin lives in the Hudson Valley with her husband and daughter.  You may know her as the indie dyer, Birch Hollow Fibers.  Robin has a background in literature and you will find her love of books mingled with her love of fiber. She is appreciative of the impression books leave. For her, each story carries a lesson, a fond memory, or a brief escape from the ordinary. 

Robin Guy

Robin lives in the Hudson Valley with her husband and daughter.  You may know her as the indie dyer, Birch Hollow Fibers.  Robin has a background in literature and you will find her love of books mingled with her love of fiber. She is appreciative of the impression books leave. For her, each story carries a lesson, a fond memory, or a brief escape from the ordinary. 


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