Join a HVTP Committee!

Thank you for your interest in strengthening the HVTP and helping us reach our goals! Below are a list of our committees that are currently accepting new members. Please fill out the form, and we will be in touch soon!

Current Opportunities:

Botanical Dyeing Committee

The Botanical Dyeing Committee is currently seeking members that are interested in growing plants for dying, or working with botanical dyes as a hobby/interest, or for business purposes. All are welcome to participate!

HVTP Marketing Committee

We are working to promote HVTP’s mission and membership benefits by:

- Supporting a full calendar of fiber festivals, providing booth volunteers and ways to gain new members

- Promoting the HVTP website, especially its member directory and Community Board, a powerful tool to strengthen community

- Highlighting collaborations among members that create innovations and new products possible

Let us know if you would like to be part of the committee, have a marketing idea or special skill, access to related networks or would like to volunteer at a festival.